Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Deception--- the Grace Foundation of Northern California

Let's take a look-see at what the Grace Foundation of Northern California is doing. We aren't talking about the helping kids or the police program. We're talking about the $$$$$ that Grace Foundation Decrapio claims they don't have all the time.

Example: Why was Grace Foundation sued at least 4 times while making $300,000, $400,000, $700,000 per year?????? Could the "hay" for almost "100-170" horses  be..... "too expensive?" 

Could it be that Grace Foundation BUYING horses from a horse auction in TEXAS (not California, mind you, that would have been too easy because she would be recognized) ---  which are already sick, etc, and paying for them BY the POUND (remember, horses weigh in the 1,000's of pounds) -- and then either RESELLING them, as "rescued" of course-- OR  purposely *using* sick animals as a MARKETING PLOY  for those who wouldn't recognize a scam when they see one......... could ANY of that have anything to do with Grace Foundation Decrapio "can't afford" HAY?????  
Is all this $$$$$$ in "donations" [which is the alleged bulk of the income] being thrown at Grace just to sustain the collection of 100-200 horses and the vet bills? Adoption fees do not sustain the business by any stretch of the imagination, but keeping animals not necessary to the business can be very expensive.

OR even worse.............. could Grace Foundation Decrapio simply make a VIDEO of horse remains on the ground, and then PUBLISH the video,  implicating that Mr. Bennett KILLED those very same horses-- just because Decrapio HAS a video of such horse remains????   Was Decrapio present when said horses were alive?  

Did Decrapio have personal knowledge of any killing?  Did Decrapio somehow have a witness tell her that he/she actually knew Bennett "killed" every horse simply because the witness wanted to say so?  [the answer is no, just in case you are wondering]  

Did Grace Foundation Bethie POO know that the horse ranch in Susanville [54 acres]  had been the victim of animal killing after Mr. Bennett's ex girlfriend split, and that moving evidence of such killing might actually implicate the person moving it? It's called chain of custody?

Does Grace Foundation see that by taking illegally seized animals, she is part and parcel of the illegal seizure, she took $$$$ from the people [Wells Fargo] seizing the animals, she is legally allegedly represented by same Wells Fargo attorney,  yet she is attempting to raise FUNDING  $$$$ by using the seized horses [paid for by Wells Fargo] as a marketing ploy? 

And further, Decrapio uses a deceptive video that her Grace Foundation took, and pieced it together to make a story of killing or killed animals, when in fact there is no evidence that Mr. Bennett killed anything, nor is he charged with killing animals? Grace keeps stating there were "X number of horses were found dead on the property" yet she purposely FAILS to explain that all or nearly all had been dead for quite some time, and were purposely not moved [to avoid tampering with evidence ] Had the evidence been buried, then Grace would have said it was buried to "hide" it, no doubt?

In addition, Grace Foundation purposely rallied people to call the District Attorney to prosecute Mr. Bennett, and bragged about it, even though there is no evidence that he killed anything at all? How about a "warrant" for animal abuse about 5 months AFTER the illegal seizure-- when no animals were there? The usual scenario is to have the warrant first, then seizure, then the notice/hearing. None of that was done according to law. In fact the process used (alleged receivership) was not done properly as well, and the "receiver" had never even done a "receivership" before in her life. Further, the sheriff deputies agree that the "receivership" documents do not constitute eviction documents and are not legally available to evict anyone.

AND-- to top it off-- two "seizure" horses in the care of the GRACE FOUNDATION --- after having been there in Grace's possession we assume,  for months--DIED while under the Grace Foundation's care........... just recently? in November?  About 5-8 months in Grace's possession or however long......but you don't read about THAT on the Grace Foundation site, do you????

Oh but there's more!! Now Grace Foundation or someone else has decided that people need to call, write, text and threaten Mr. Bennett's attorney on his bankruptcy case, not the criminal allegations.  All of those threats and harassing messages should go straight to the Judge. The criminal defense attorney has made good progress on the case, finding many witnesses are operating on very low brain power and even worse on their credibility.

Oh, and did we forget to mention--- while INSIDE the Federal Courthouse, Grace Foundation Bethie Poo tried to assault both Mr. Bennett and his attorney, even in front of the security guards, using profanity, expletives, and threats. She had to be ESCORTED OUT of the courthouse, and continued her screaming and ranting right outside the doors to the Courthouse.  This is typical of animal rights antics.

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